For every person you can in the body to settle parasites. Specified according to sources from WHO, that every second person annually infects worms. The source of infection are sick people, animals. Parasites transmit at the feet of the flies. A person can become infected through damaged skin, mucous membranes, ingest the eggs worming along with water, food and dust.

Unfortunately not right now the person begins to feel the presence in the body of parasites, and only when there will be a lot and will be clearly expressed as nausea. So how to determine whether the parasites in the human body, the symptoms and a lot of useful information – on.
It is important! Every man should know, on what grounds can determine the presence of parasites in the body.
As independently to determine the presence of parasites
When the infestation of worms in the initial phase can be to recognize their presence on several characteristics. So, thanks to the recognition it is possible to avoid further breeding, in a timely manner and accurately diagnose and perform the treatment.
You can track its status, then it is difficult to determine how to determine whether there are parasites in the human body, symptoms of infection at all common.
The presence of de-worming in the body is determined according to the following attributes:
- the appearance on the skin eczema, papillomas, hives, in the form of allergic reactions;
- availability of cough, bronchitis, pneumonia, which are not treatable by traditional methods;
- more frequent colds, as is the availability of deworming lowers immunity;
- at night, during sleep, which can be played gnashing of teeth;
- pain in the abdomen, joints;
- diarrhea, bloating or constipation, caused by the lack of choice of pancreatic juice and bile, so it is blocked by the output long with the worms;
- breakage of the nails;
- hair loss and drying the hair;
- pallor of skin sheets;
- nausea and vomiting during the meal;
- headaches associated with the constant intoxication;
- swelling of hands and feet;
- from the increased nervousness and the presence of depressive state.

So how to determine whether it is in the body of parasites in domestic conditions you can yourself, it is worth noting that a diagnosis facilitated by the fact that most of the listed symptoms are observed in nearly all members of the family, as the worms become infected gradually almost everyone present in the house. When the availability of the data of the symptoms it is necessary to turn to the clinic and would be the first place to give up examination of stool for eggs of worm, as well as the appointment to the local therapist.
Check the availability of deworming opisthorchiasis in a child is possible, if it is early in the morning stuck to the anus of a transparent adhesive tape. If it is assault, then the eggs the worm will be able to discover, on the adhesive surface.
It is important! For the accuracy of the analysis is the need to pass feces on eggs a worm through the day 3 times during the week.
The symptoms determine the deworming in a child at home
Due to the lack of observance of sanitary rules, the most exposed to contagion worms children. But even at the onset of infection in them has its own characteristics, compared with adults.
An experienced pediatrician can immediately recognize the presence of worming the following functions:
- drooling-flow during sleep and the call;
- skin peeling on the eyelids;
- the frequent whims of the child and the wishes of the asleep for a long time;
- the growing needs of the consumption of sweets;
- itching in the anal area;
- the brittle nails of the child and dry hair;
- frequent colds diseases.
When you perform several of the above symptoms can be noted the presence of infestations of worms.
If you are still in doubt, and I don't know how to find out whether it is in the body of the parasites, then the most basic symptom of infestation is considered damage to the gastrointestinal tract.

So as basically parasites populated right there. They feed on nutrients from the prepared human food, the products of their secretions poison the body, which only the major damage. Can put off eggs in your colon and small intestine, in the liver, lungs, lymph nodes, heart and even the brain.
It is important! We must not forget the presence in the environment of parasites, comply with hygiene standards and prevention.
What disorders in the body occur
Due to the long-term are not recognition of parasites may occur a variety of complications and diseases:
- anemia;
- the delay in the development of children (physical and mental);
- inflammatory processes in the intestines, the gallbladder and its ducts;
- the weakening of the immunity;
- bronchitis and pneumonia;
- Oncology;
- common myalgia.
So we said, how to determine whether there are parasites in the human body. The symptoms are basically dependent on the parasitic infestation of certain organs, the time of infection. Therefore, it is necessary to remember about it, and every year conduct a survey on their availability.